Matching employers and students with the right experiential learning opportunities.
Your business doesn’t just need new talent. It needs the right new talent.
Outcome Campus Connect connects you to students that best match your experiential job opportunity.
With one click, Campus Connect can send your job posting to over 100 post-secondary institution job boards across Canada. Employers can also target student job seekers based on year and program of study, location, and career interests, so your posting goes right to job seekers that match your needs.
Benefits for Employers
Employers can reach the right candidates at university and college job boards, with ONE job posting:
Posting job opportunities with Outcome Campus Connect is free and connects you to students across Canada
Direct your posting to specific schools, programs, and regions
Connect with over 1 million students across over 100 university and college job boards through Magnet’s integration with Orbis
Suitable for businesses of all sizes through creation of an account on Magnet
Recruiting has started!
Create your free Magnet account now to activate Outcome Campus Connect
Contact us for more information
Receive a wage subsidy for your student hire
Employers hiring students can receive up to $7,000 in wage subsidies.
If you create new work-integrated opportunities for Canadian students, the Magnet Student Work Placement Program can provide financial support for eligible placements.
Platform Partners
Employment and Social Development Canada is pleased to support the collaboration of Magnet and Orbis to improve the facilitation of matching work integrated learning opportunities between employers and post-secondary institutions.
This experiential learning technology platform is supported by a Magnet’s network of multi-sectoral partners
Funding provided by

As part of the Student Work Placement Program, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) supported the development of Outcome Campus Connect.